A Non-binary Bisexual and Other Magical Things

Date: 8/31/2017

By InvisabelleSpasian

An odd collage of short dreams that happened continuously right after another after my Lost dream, so I'm just going to put them all in here. First thing I remembered that happened was that I happened to be in Wal-Mart relaxing in the garden center early in the morning, surrounded by a bunch of potted plants. I was in a corner on the phone with my fiance, and as we were talking, I took notice of some black butterflies that camouflaged so well with the plants with black flowers they were resting on and tried to get photos, but I could hear my brothers and my mom calling for me. I had to get up and go to them, ending the call after seeing them approaching me and following them out of the garden center. We were picked up by Dad, and he dropped us off in front of this building that reminded me of a hotel. We were in the middle of a busy, long line of other cars, and he stopped briefly for us to get out. We quickly did and headed to the back of the truck to get our stuff, and as everyone else headed inside, I tried to close the back, but my dad kept driving forward little by little to where we were both getting aggravated with each other. I finally slammed the trunk shut after making my dad stop the car completely, and I could hear him complain very loudly even though the windows were rolled up as he drove away quickly to find a parking spot. I followed my family inside to where we passed by crowds of people into a hell of elevators. My mom pressed a button to call forth one, and the indicator beeped and the huge gold and light marbled wood doors opened for us to step inside. It was very spacious and all five of us had plenty of room to actually walk around inside as we tried to get to our floor. There were also three other doors on the other walls, which opened up from time to time as we go through some floors. The doors were also mirror-like, reflecting my outfit of pink shorts and a cream shirt with the shoulders exposed and the material looking like it was woven. We stepped out to be at home, we my mom carrying some stuff inside then making her way back into the garage to go out into the backyard. My brothers were already outside playing around, which was nice because we're actually lazy and stay inside almost constantly on our devices with the internet. I was in the garage starting up laundry, and it got pretty hot as I noticed it was in the middle of the afternoon. I watched as my brothers joked around and chased each other, laughing loudly and having fun. My baby brother ran into the garage and back inside, slamming the door. The other two quickly followed him and tried to open the door but failed. I tried to help out and noticed a can of what looked like bug spray in the corner, but it sprayed out ribbons and bubbles as I moved it out of the way and accidentally pressed the button for the other two to get inside. Then my mom walked back in saying we needed to get dinner ready. For some reason, I teleported into Target, walking inside and about to do some shopping. I had a cart and glanced around the clearance section and noticed someone coming by and tried to get out of their way. I took notice and someone realized that it was a non-binary bisexual Asian with a really cute outfit and I complimented on it as I tried to get out of their way. They got really excited as they thanked me and did the same with mine, and I looked down to notice my clothes changed into this punk rock rebel aesthetic of black and blue. Eventually, we parted ways and I do my shopping, and my mom happened to be nearby asking if I wanted to drive in the way home. I said sure and she told me to get in line, so I do and there were a lot of people and it's was close to the store's closing time because it was now night time. There was a long table with some woman in between the lines of people, dating bags of people and scaling on how lucky they were. As interested I was, I kept going forward in line just listening as she announced who were lucky and who weren't. There was one woman who was announced unlucky, and she complained how that wasn't true and that this whole thing was a scan and full of bullshit as she went to purchase her stuff. But she had this large drink and she dropped it as she was purchasing, looking embarrassed as some other girl said that she want lucky at all. Then, I was back home, relaxing in the sofa in the living room near the kitchen with my family. We were watching a movie and eating dinner mom and I prepared and having a fun time until my older brother appeared with a large glow-in-the-dark sword which reminded me of a weapon that could be from the Legend of Zelda. He gave it to me, and I turned it in to have the pink light glow in my eyes and I pressed buttons to let the sword sounds overtake my inner child and I played around, swishing the sword about and entertaining my family and myself. Slowly, my vision faded and I noticed everything was shattering at the last minute before I woke up.