Date: 9/3/2020
By myme
i was watching a game playback about a deployment of dwarf legions in total war, and i was wondering... elven archers have magical banes that do their work without arrows, they launch beams of tightly wound magic, yet, ogres blunder through them with nothing more than their own strength and giant hammers. i reasoned that this was why it was so important that no matter how different u r, one must know exactly how they are supposed to function, so that the components of a massive thing can work to channel a massive force, this was the case when one of the players summoned a roving cannon that required 1 rank of dwarves to man, but it decimated an entire orc rank with one shot. so i wondered if in real life, a bunch of orc girls were captured, but instead of slavery, they were forced to go to elfen school, have elfen parents, and work in elven villages, until they could think only like elves. they would learn only to fight when absolutely necessary, and to determine why it would really be necessary. would they then be smarter than the other orcs? if we really resembled what we call elves, and we called ourselves humans, and tried to depict elves, what would they look like? if we ever met people that look or act more like elves, what would they think of us? and then i saw a league of tiny fairies do some horrific things to the elves.