Water, Class, Shake, Hide, Maya’s

Date: 4/18/2021

By dreakee

I had a water bottle I kept bringing around and I was still in my high school band. The scary part about it was that the world kept shaking and we had to hang onto something from the Earth or we would basically be disqualified for falling off the Earth. I found a room that I thought I locked the doors to, but someone made it in the room. I think I ended up waking up, but when I went back to sleep, my friends and I were at Alex’s work. They were low on staff, it was 4:25pm and they had just opened at 4. Everyone had to get in line with their presentation of food to show to the cook to see who would work the shift. I don’t remember who, but my friend and I had to serve a woman and her small toddler. They wanted water. One server had already gotten the mother water and it was our turn to get her son water. I went over to the glasses which I knew I had seen Alex get water before. My friend handed me a glass she was sure was clean and I took it and scooped some ice into it. I remembered that toddlers can choke on ice, so I poured the ice out and went over to the water? It looked like a shower because it had two different knobs for hot and cold. I turned one and water showered down on me. My friend ended up making a plate with gummy sharks on it and I asked her what she was doing. She said she was making an apology plate because we couldn’t figure out how to get the water. I went over to Alex and asked her how to get the water and she ended up giving me an answer that wasn’t helpful. Then, I woke up.