Date: 2/15/2020
By AJacobs
I'm not sure chronologically where this goes so I'll put it up front... I was watching or playing some drawn porn in my room on my bed with my roomates also in the room... they may have seen when walking in and out of the room based on the angle. We must've played some Symphonic Winds concert on a military base during a big convention or something. I recall sitting there, maybe being lectured with the rest of the band... I remember leaving afterward. Then we were walking towards the gate when I realized I didn't have my ID, I left it back at the gig place. Also there was Eric Nungester and one non specific person I think meant to be a flute player. One of them had also left something. So we went back, it didnt take too long and the dream obviously skipped some tedious walking segments. I either half woke up or had a dream within a dream or just pulled out my phone in this time. I thought I wrote it in my bed though, so I must've dreamed I was in my bed... while being in my bed. I wrote a text to my dad, 'Crap, I forgot my ID card inside. Oh wait, it doesn't matter this is a dream.' We were back inside the building and took an elevator down. It may have been before the gig if that was part of the dream, but there was slight discussion about how the elevator we took was bigger than the other one.