
Date: 7/2/2021

By rubymay

i remember it starting with me getting back with my ex gf that day, and we had been hanging out all day. there were a bunch of other people our age around where we were. she said she felt weird and i did too, so i had a theory that there was some kind of illness going around. we decided to go to the hospital together. on the way there we saw a guy and a girl walking together and asked if they felt the same. the girl said yes and i told her to come to the hospital with us because i thought there was something contagious going around. she said no and left. so we got to the hospital and i got examined and the doctor just said i have a cold or something. i kept feeling really weird muscle spasms in my ankle and so did my girlfriend. i kept pushing for him to do more tests and he finally agreed to do an x-ray type thing on my ankle. sure enough there was some kind of worm parasite inside it. my girlfriend had one too. it wasn’t too bad though, the doctor said all they had to do was give us medicine and it would go away. although we would have to stay at the hospital for a few nights. turns out it was contagious and everyone our age had one, so they had to round up everyone to the hospital. me and my girlfriend got a joined room. i remember it being like a hotel room: bedroom, mini kitchen, and living area. at one point i wanted to take a shower but the shower was in the living room which was weird. we went out the next day into town and i ended up buying a version of monopoly for us to play back at the hospital. we got back and ended up playing connect four instead. the only other thing i remember happening was after we left the hospital, i remembered i left the monopoly game in the room and i was pretty bummed because it cost a lot of money.