Date: 8/1/2019
By Ryleedreams
Not sure where it started but I ended up at a school (not one I recognized). Like a movie montage, I went to different classes in a haze mindset not thinking much of it. As I grew more aware of the dream, "memories" of what led me to that moment in the dream came into focus. Like remembering parts of a movie, but they felt real and I was in them. But basically I wasn't human at the start of my dream (according to these "memories") I was some type of dragon hybrid (a undefinable creature that end up in a lot of my drawing in real life). Anyway, I had escaped a lab with a few other creatures and somehow ended up looking human and blending into the school. However one person, who was learning to be a nurse I think, found out about me but was cool with it and said he'd keep it a secret. But after a while another lab escapee showed up undercover here too. He was followed but I found out when I saw him and the nurse dude getting kidnapped. I then stole a motorcycle and followed them to the lab. When I got there I was caught trying to sneak in but they didn't seem to realize I'd been there before. I was thrown into a prison like room with the other two along with a military dude who was also in there. I told them I could get us out and explain that i wasn't human and i came from this lab. Soon guards came in and I turned into the monster and attacked as the others tried to escape. I woke up not long after and don't remember if we actually escaped or not.