My own undoing (p2)

Date: 12/11/2021

By ThatTherianKid

So I took some cold and flu meds and took another nap. When I pop into existence, that man was sitting in an arm chair, petting a great Dane that sat at his feet and reading a book. He looked at me, smirked, and hummed, "Welcome back. Get back to work, little lady." So, I did. I did months of research and planning to make it so my own parents didn't meet. He didn't help much, just watching over my progress. Eventually, I figured it out. I had to sabotage the sound setting at my dad's first ever gig. We went, dressed for the setting, to listen. He helped me sneak around the back, and I sabotaged the fuck out of the speakers. Like, straight slashed the wires and fully dismantled these speakers. I felt immediately cold and numb, hearing the speakers screech and die. I watched my mom wander out of the bar, and my dad freak out about the situation before I began to loose feeling in my hands and feet. I look down, and my fingers were fading, dispersing in pale white/ice blue glowing particles. I looked up at the man, and he just smiled at me. It was almost a sympathetic smirk. He looked at me, gripped my shoulder, and hummed, "Good job, darlin'. You completed your mission." He quickly grabbed my shirt, spun me so that I was against him, my back to his chest, before he pressed his favorite blade to my neck, explaining in very fast, hushed murmurs that death by fading is the worst way to go, and that he was sorry that it had to end like this before slitting my throat, almost beheading me then and there. I felt my body hit the ground and heard him walking away, cleaning the blade as I woke up.