Date: 9/12/2019
By Brighter_daes
Me and a friend, Katie, were in this hall. We took something and left. Then it was the next day. We were outside the same hall but there was a bunch of people. Katie and brother then came up to me and started talking about yesterday. The owners knew what was stolen but didn’t know who. They didn’t suspect me my brother or katie. They trusted us so much they asked for our help in the investigation. Then another friend, Ron, came up with his family and started talking about it. He noticed something was wrong and then pulled me aside after a few minutes and accused me. I dragged him in a secluded room and denied everything. Then his family came in and backed him up. His family was respected so I knew they would turn on me. I decided I had to stop them before it was too late. I cast a spell on his family but it didn’t work on him. I forced them into a corner while I fought Ron. I knocked him unconscious and cast another spell on his family. They forgot about it and thought that Ron got injured and I was caring for him. I transported him to a secret room in my house a cast a spell to make him forget about it. I kept him there to make sure the spell worked. I kept him comatose until I returned. I left and transported back to the hall. I met up with my brother and friend and started talking. We went back home and I took Ron to a spare room where I woke him up. I asked him what he remembered and he said he remembered being at the hall. I told him he got a head injury and got knocked out. I told him to rest and then went into his memories while he was asleep. He didn’t remember anything that could turn him against me. Then I was back with Katie and my brother and we had gotten to this place where it was basically a suicide business. Different social medias made different businesses where they would put you on a ride to your death. You signed an agreement to your death and then got in a cart that would take you to a kill machine and you would die. This had gotten extremely popular because there was a revolution and everything was getting worse and worse and many people just wanted to die but couldn’t do it themselves. It was completely free to die by this method btw. Katie and my brother had convinced me to do this with them because it was better than living. We got there and I started crying because I didn’t want to die. Then Katie called me down and started talking about robot implants and how it would be better to just die. I had a robotics arm and many robotic organs almost to the point that my skin and head were the only human part. They were going to shut down all robot parts and people with implants would die a painful death. All of us would die if this happened so that’s why we were gonna do this. I sat in front with my brother behind me then Katie behind him. They were single person carts but a chain of 10 ant a time. While we were riding I got scared and grabbed my brothers hand but he let go and said not to because they would separate us. I said what does it matter anyways if we are going to die anyways. He responded that only me and Katie would die while he would live. I asked him what he meant by that but received no answer. I then woke up.