First day term 3

Date: 7/3/2017

By lizzy_h

I was sitting in science getting up midget cause he touched my boob, then Cameron and Bronte walked over and sat down and we just talked about random stuff. Later in the lesson I was sitting up on the desk with my head down doing my work by my self cause I wasn't all happy so Mr W came over and asked if I was alright when I said yes he kept bugging me. We spoke then about stupid things B had done in life, Cameron cam over first and sat down next to me and said some smart comment to cheer me up, next B came over and just started talking to Me. The next period we went out and checked what we had for sport, the year 5s fro GPS came to the school so we all had to go down the bottom. As we went to get our bags B kept touching me on the arm to piss me off, and when I said to stop midget started and then Cameron, and when j gave up and just let Cameron touch me Bronte yelled out "of course you'd let him touch you". When we got to our bags, I picked up mine at the same time Cameron tried to pick mine up, he tried to put it on his shoulder but I just smiled and took it off him. As we started down the bottom I heard music and turned around, Mr D was teaching twin of theses kids a dance routine thing, Bronte and I ditched the group and went over to them, I asked if they wanted new dancers. Mr D said okay so he quickly ran through the dance routine and out on the song which was One problem by Ariarna Grende I did the dance unsuccessful the first time so he showed me again just aa I was about to start our year plus the yr5s walked out and over to us. I took and deep breath and did the dance. I was talking to MrD as he went to his class cause I had him next for drama anyway, he was saying I did good on the dance, our class went in and sat up in the stage, Sarah was so happy that I had danced in public and was congratulating me. MrD walked over and held an cig and lighter above our heads he out the cig and made the smoke go with the one for the incense he paces the lighter and cig to Charlotte who was sitting in front of me, she turned around and looked at me and passed them to me, Cameron and Sarah and her were turned around looking to see if I would smoke it. Cameron then asked for it and I said "oh what now you smoke to" I have it to him and the dream ended with him holding it to his mouth and breathing in...