Date: 5/1/2018
By nexus
I leave the body after an attempt or two and it starts off with me blind but I collect my self and I started noticing everything in my room this part was cool and not out of the ordinary, I go through my door but the door had pit me back into my room as if it was a loop but this time o go through again I walk down the stairs and I'm losing my mind how life like this was I look to my right at the door that would take me outside into the hall (I live in an apartment). I decide to turn around and jump off the balcony and I do this super freaking cool flip and land on the gate across the street from my house and here my adventure begins. I get off the gate and start hovering over people to see if they could see me, some could but others looked like they saw me but didn't want to do say anything to me, they tried ignoring me others saw me and looked confused, I looked at someone having a conversation in a car and the man dropped his phone case and my initial instinct was to pick it up but ofcourse I couldn't and he picks it up so I fly away but turn back to him and his face was as if he saw a clown in a police department, I was the odd one out. I'm flying around then changed to running about 50-60 miles per hour, I'm going through peoples backyard and I'm doing front flips, back flips and I think to myself what should I do, i wanted to go to my friend johnnys house and bother him for a little while and see what he does (I was able to make contact with him before) but this time I decided not to. my plan was to go to boatworks which was where i was going to be moving to in the summer I was going to see how the people over there were but I got side tracked and here's what happened. There was this huge apartment building one that wasn't in the physical and I had this moment where I knew that the people who lived in the apartment could help me in some way, I tried phasing through the wall but the weird part was that the house was made up of the same stuff I was it's like the matter would change to whatever I made my body and so I couldn't go through the wall, there was a window and I saw a highschool student with dread locks but that wasn't the apartment I was looking for, I fly down to the front of the apartment and the second I fell to the welcome mat the door opens and I zoom up the steps (I guess I already new which apartment was theirs). I get to the top of the stairs and see this woman and I try to not move incase she didn't see me but she spotted me in a blink of an eye, she asked said "did you want to come in, spirit?" I was taken by surprise all the other people either didn't see me or pretended not to and she flat out called me a spirit I tell them so you know I'm astral projecting right and I'm explaining to her how awesome I thought it was as I'm going into the house which had a bunch of women in it, I started getting a very negative feeling like I don't belong there at all as all eyes point at me, she tells me to sit down and that she will be with me in two minutes. My spider sense would tingling like crazy and so I told them no thanks and got out of the house as fast as I could, when I came down the steps it was the same women upstairs that was coming up it again so I'm thinking they were changing their faces and they weren't what they seemed to be which freaks me out even as I'm typing this at 2 in the morning. I leave the house and realise that I'm losing awareness just a little as I'm flying around I can't seem to go super fast or anything...for some reason I can't remember exactly what I did after that and even in the astral projection I have to ground myself to the world again by looking at my hands and examining the surroundings, there was this beach kind of place with a pier not far away and I equate that to boatworks though it wasn't, it would be in the right geographical spot if it was in the physical world. I start running super fast again and out of nowhere were these werewolf looking creatures I sensed their negative energy and I start to suddenly feel less powerful as when I started off. I was losing awareness again to the point I couldn't even fly anymore just jump a couple feet in the air, I'm fighting the werewolf after jumping across the gate and it chased me still so I jump over the werewolf but it grabs me in mid air with it's teeth and bites me then slams me to the ground. I didn't feel any pain but I was in shock I thought I was going to die but I forget that the astral body is indestructible which made our little squabble pointless. I start running down towards the pier and as I see the two wolves chasing me I regain some power and I remember what I can do so as the were wolf comes to attack I stopped it in mid air with some invisible force field bubble thing and sliced it into a dozen pieces. I was actually feeling that i should probably leave but the other werewolf was coming towards me so I close my eyes waiting for another beat down (which didn't even work because incould see through my "eye lids") and this lady made of light just disintegrated the werewolf, I had thought it was the women from that creepy apartment but the energies were different this lady was pure light and there was love radiating off of her I ironically didn't pay her any mind at all as I was still trying to go to boatworks, I'm running over there and she tells me to slowdown and walk instead and I did. I look to her and ask who she is which is funny because I already knew her but just didn't recognize that form of hers she gives me this necklace looking this it had a cool shape on it and it wrapped itself on my neck slowly and gently as i drift back to body...i didn't move for a good minute afterwards just incase I wasn't actually back in body informally moved and had no idea where I was at until I realized I was back in my dark, silent bed room with a he'll of a story to tell.