Date: 3/15/2019
By maoii
I had probably one of the most disturbing dreams ever. It was a dream that involved a little boy (around 12) showing me a video on his phone that was a compilation of the top most graphic deaths in movies. The first few deaths weren’t very bad (to me) and I was about to tell him that I had seen a couple of the movies before and knew what expect before he kept the phone in my hand and encouraged me to keep watching. A video came on but it didn’t feel like it was a part of the compilation. The first showed the recording of some girl and some people who seemed like her friends around her and they were all laughing while someone recorded them. She was sat on a chair or something. It looked like some kind of prank they were going to pull on the girl. Outside of the shot my intuition told me there was a bucket of water ready to be tossed on the girl- like a made-up version of the ice bucket challenge. The boi went on to tell me that this prank involved someone switching the water in the bucket with strong acid and before I could question him, the video kept on. The liquid was thrown on the girl and immediately she started screaming and screaming loudly as the acid burned her hair and her scalp. Steam was coming out from her head until she fell over. The rest of the acid pooled near one of her legs and as she tried getting away, her leg lagged behind her and elongated like rubber- like the acid had melted her ligaments and skin and bones and made them like a thick gum. It was shocking honestly. Another video was similar expect it was a girl in a prom dress who looked excited to go to a school dance. The acid was dumped on her and her nicely done hair was immediately melted off of her head and the acid quickly penetrated through her scalp. The acid was so strong that it melted through her scalp, disintegrating it, and you could see was the white of her cranium. My assumption was that she had to be killed by this immediately but she kept screaming as the acid didn’t go through her skull to her brain in that instance yet. There was a delay in which the acid ran down the front of her face and more of her skull showed- her forehead and the tops of her eye sockets. The acid ate away at her face rapidly until her skull withered away and fell apart from tissue and ligaments no longer holding it together. I woke up after that.