
Date: 6/20/2018

By Moonstar

Dream with a lot of people and activity. I recall generalities of the dream. There are several of us that need to prepare a presentation for the Queen. It is about 3 areas of the same country. Each of us have one section of a map. At one point there is mariachi music. After the presentation they want us too stay but we don’t want to. I am very tired. Entering the room where we are presenting is intimidating. It is a large room with a lot of people and there are things in the presentation that have to be changed at the last minute. One of the presenters is not dressed appropriately (Bobbie) and she does not want to present. I tell her that she can still do it and dress up for the next session. I am the coordinator for the presentation. After this I wake up for a short time and then go back to sleep and to dream something similar...I am at Saint James Hospital putting an act together. I am going to sing and dance and there are other people involved including Prince Charles. My friend Diane is in this dream. I had a temporary job at Saint James waiting for another job at a different hospital. My job at Saint James is coming to an end and I am not sure that I will have the other job but organizing the show is very important.