Pterodactyl Attack

Date: 11/2/2017

By Y0Universe

It was turning into winter time and I was migrating with this big group of people back in like nomadic times. Suddenly I heard these people call out and everyone started looking into the sky. Way up high in the sky, we saw these giant birds appear. They were very agile and the people around me started to panic and run. So I started running. Turns out they were a bunch of pterodactyls. Everyone scattered in every direction. We got to this cliff, and there were some bridges, and I yell for people not to go on the bridges. There was even a fog that prevented me from seeing where the bridge led. There was a pterodactyl very nearby though and there seemed to be no other option, so I ran across the rope bridge, and it lead to a rickety one room building. That seemed to be just floating in the air? Or supported by another rope bridge or a few? Anyway, I ran into this building, and a pterodactyl, landed on the top. There were big gaps in the ceiling and floor. I could see it walking around, and the boards on the ceiling flexing under its weight. Then I woke up.