Dad cheating on my stepmom

Date: 5/7/2023

By PandaPuff

I was at my dads, but he turned into some fat man and he was cheating on my stepmom. I said I was leaving and telling her and told me that I wasn't. I went to my room, locked my door, and packed all my shit, and he kicked my door down. Idek I was only able to grab one bag and I ran to my car. I can't remember if he caught me or if it's because I went back for my other bag but he took my keys and the woman he was cheating with Brittany on hid them and told me I'd never find them. I looked evervwhere and couldn't find them but I suddenly found the keys to an Acura (convinced I was in a different reality because I looked it up and it's exactly the car and I know nothing about cars). I snuck outside and broke into the car and stole it. They tried running after me but obviously I got away. There were random people with my dad and that woman who were also trying to prevent me from leaving. I could barely see out windshield and it looked like the poor graphics of a video game. I kept hitting shit and thought I was going to wreck. I raced through town and they were hunting me to bring me back