Date: 3/20/2019
By iliketofood
My dreams have lately been short and more frequent, but all directly from things happening in my life. Sometimes I forget if something happened or if it was a dream. I dreamt myself paying a bill for a co-pay. I dreamt of washing a mug I hadn't yet washed. I napped in my car and had a dream I was napping in my car, waking up, driving very sleepily and crashing into a wall, and that turned out to be a dream within a dream, within another dream - all nested dreams of me napping in my car and dreaming that I crashed my car. At least my car troubles are settled down right now. Several dreams are of my mom fighting with me, betraying and sabotaging me, or just insulting me. Her being upset with me in general. My dreams have never been such direct reflections of my current thoughts