three dreams: a lampshade, a witch club and Kanye West

Date: 6/2/2019

By hitchhiker24601

In the first dream i dreamt I was at home with my mom and uncle. Now for some background- my uncle always tries to find “solutions “ to things that are not a problem so when he decided to turn a gardening pot that my mom was throwing out into a lampshade, I honestly didn’t think I was sleeping 😂 In my second dream i had read about this neat place where people who aspire to be witches and summon demons meet up - this caught my interest so I decided to go. The thing was... it’s in Russia so I flew there then asked directions from some local until I found it. The building was a golden yellow with symbols drawn all over the outside. There was this tall, slightly muscular guy just about to enter so I introduced myself and asked if he’d been- he too was new. We went in and took a seat as a member was giving a speech. I ended up chatting with a girl who was new as well and forgot about the guy until he came to say goodbye and kissed me without my consent. My jaw dropped and he left before I could say anything to him. After that I asked my bf to join me and I told him what happened. While I was browsing the grimoires in the library- the guy came up behind me and started feeling me up . I called my bf who tore the guy off me and hugged me tight so that my face was buried in his chest. The guy for some reason tried to grab me from him and hug me but I clung to my bf until he stopped. The third dream was the strangest lol. Disclaimer- I do not like the Kardashian’s, Kanye or anything to do with them. In this dream for some reason I had an uncle who was a detective who asked me to come with him to deal with a reported kidnapping. We then arrived at this fancy place and were greeted by Kanye west cause apparently his kid was kidnapped for ransom. We all sat around the elaborate living room and he told us the details. He asked me if I was a fan and I said no 😂 he didn’t say a word to me after that. One of his doors was busted and there was a guy fixing it and I inquired why there was only a top hinge on the door and just an empty cut out rectangle where the bottom hinge should be. He said Kanye just doesn’t like bottom hinges so he has them cut off every door 😂 I literally just face palmed at the idiacy and absurdity.