exploring haunted buildings

Date: 12/8/2018

By Talon

I met a guy who was quite attractive. I met him while climbing up a rock wall. the wall was inside a building, but it was not a fake wall, it was real rock. as i was climbing up, my fear of falling kicked in, and I couldn't move. the guy talked to me to help me to climb all the way up. afterwards, we talked and that's when we both discovered that we had an interest in exploring abandoned buildings. that's when he leaned in to kiss me..and did. it was very nice. when I told him that, he said "that's what everyone tells me". after he said that, I felt less special. we found abandoned buildings to explore. the one we picked was enormous. obviously, it was after dark. we snuck inside and began to explore. suddenly, a little girl appeared. I felt the need to protect her. Her and I were in a bathroom. The door would not shut all the way, so I told her to hold it shut. She didn't hold it shut very well....this big weird looking creature came by and stuck its head under the door. Apparently i was wearing a dress, because it grabbed ahold of my dress and took it. it was a white dress. the monster was purple and white. Then, I told the girl to find me some clothes. I am not sure if she did find me clothes, or what happened next. I believe in woke up soon after this happened.