Digital art, As the person sat nervously in the black market doctor's house, surrounded by strange and inhuman eye options, they eventually chose a subtle lavender color to change their iris to, but as the doctor began the procedure, something much more sinister emerged.

Eye Color Surgery - Trigger Warning

Date: 4/25/2018

By emmyloo

I wrote this dream down a few days ago, just getting to post it now. ⚠️ Trigger warning - rape. ——— I was seeing a doctor to have my iris color changed. I was with someone else, not sure who, but they were a friend there for support. We were in some kind of house with other people. This was a black market doctor so it was a sketchy place, like he was performing this surgery just at his house. He had all these small heads in a cabinet to show you what your new eyes would look like. Some were just plain heads with different iris colors, but other heads had eyes that were completely inhuman, without even white sclera. Their skin was different, unnatural colors with crazy veins all over their faces. The doctor advised me not to go with any of those options since I just wanted to change my eye color. So I settled on a subtle lavender color, a similar color saturation of my current blue eyes, just a slightly less natural color. The doctor reminded me I could go blind from the process but I trusted him, and this was the only person who could do it. Suddenly I was in a dark room with a giant projection screen in front of me. I was seeing myself in a sort of dentist’s chair and the doctor was explaining that he would work off my body while I (not sure if just my consciousness or in some kind of surrogate body) just hung out. My vision would be affected in that I would see a shadow of what he was doing overlaid over what my consciousness was seeing, but this way I wouldn’t be experiencing any pain or squinting reflexes while he worked on my body in his chair. So I turned to the projection screen as some kind of video played. In the corners of my vision I could see shadows and the scalpel as he cut into my cornea, and then my vision in one eye went completely blurry. On the/my body in the chair, he’d cut the cornea off my eye. Then the same repeated with my right eye. At this point he started fitting my eyes with new lenses that would color my irises. My vision went yellow as he put them over my eyes and finally my vision wasn’t blurred any longer. He said eventually my brain would adapt and filter out the yellow. At this point, my body is laying, head back, with the lenses just resting on the eyes. Without the doctor finalizing the surgery, I would be blind forever. I need him to complete the surgery and no one else can do it. From my outside perspective, watching this happen, I suddenly see the doctor isn’t a fully human body. He has just a sliver of a head and only arm bones, rib cage, and spine. He has no stomach, just bones tightly covered with skin. His pelvis is split open and I can see his bowels dangling out. He says before he finishes the surgery he is going to have sex with me. I can’t refuse because I have no control over the body in the chair and I need him to complete the surgery or else I will be blind. His skeleton climbs on top of me and I wake up.