Dying 2 Times

Date: 11/3/2022

By itsliz

I dreamt I was a teenager again. I was with a group of random other teens that I didn't know. We were hanging out at a large pool. I don't remember how it happened but we all ended up drowning. I died. I'm not sure if I remember right, but I feel like we all came back to life from sheer force of will. At first we were ghosts. I went back to "my house" to communicate with my mom and brother. I told them what happened as best I could and materialized into being real. I remember telling a friend (Zana) and she freaked out, unsure about what to do. I had 2 days to tell people I loved them. The 2 days passed and then 1 of the teens who came back to life seemed to have nefarious intent to do something bad. But there wasn't enough time for him to really do anything. We all seemed to have a sleepwalking moment and ended up at the pool again. None of us wanted to die again, but knew we had to and that it would be okay, we hoped. We went into the pool again and drowned willingly. I don't know if I believe in an afterlife, but we all woke up in the pool in what seemed like heaven. We all wandered around and it almost looked like an amusement park but there was everything we could ever want. I remember being weary of the guy who wanted to do bad, but since he was in heaven with us, I figured he couldn't be bad. So I went off with 2 other teens that I had initially died with and we found a library. Then I woke up.