Digital art 4k scene from a movie: Trying to escape from pink smoke that was taking over the school, a young girl must navigate through a risky situation with some unexpected allies by her side.

Pink smoke Kills but intense teasing is worse

Date: 7/15/2018

By WhimsicalDreamer

My younger self was at my Elementary school, and there was a lot of pink smoke that was like deadly because everyone who noticed in time ran opposite from where it was coming from. Me included and I tried we arning as many people as I could see and we made it to the metallic cafeteria with the music room and stage on the other side. I got in through the music room leaving the door open for like a couple second more to get as many people in before the smoke killed them. I was stuck with a guy I knew (met in highschool) and his two friends and they were like taking off their shirts. I was like what... I like covered my eyes and left the room but not before realizing they just took them off to cover the opening at the bottom of the door so that the smoke couldn't get in. There was a couple girls on the stage singing like sad songs that were beautifully depressing, talking about death and how they were too young to die. Then I went back to the music room and the boys were like already talking about how they were going to have to repopulate the earth. I was like it's been 10 minutes since we were locked in smoke clears out doesn't it? The scene changed to like a desert type setting and we had sent a couple people out me volunteering myself to go out the boys had been my roommates s for like a couple months but we were all older. One of them was telling me to stay, that he would go because he didn't want any harm coming to me, I of course refused. Dream me knew I had some sort of special abilities, (I just didn't know what yet) so it was better if I went. As I went outside the door of the music room the floor had been evaporated so I had to climb Down the Rocky wall. eggs stolen in market. Everything outside was dirt and there was like a flea market with essentials that survive the smoke and there was a guy selling boiled eggs. I was really hungry so I tried to steal some but he caught me and sent his son after me. Who was by the way really hot, and I ran across buildings doing inhuman jumps and landing like a cat on my feet unharmed. He almost caught me when misstepped on the buildings and was about to fall over the side, he grabbed my by the waist and brought me close making sure I didn't fall rubbing against me. I felt my cheeks get hot and he immediately let go realizing what he did and I took that as my chance to keep moving and made it to the outside of the cafeteria building and jumping up throwing my bag first. The guy who had a crush on me tried pulling me up but it wasn't fast enough, and the man's son was quickly approaching. Almost out of no where he got really strong and pulled me up with ease. Next Dream Then I had a dream we're I was in a school where there was more guys than girls it was like a 1- 15 ratio. The school was relatively small so the girls were treated like goddesses. And there was also a lot more Bisexual and gay guys and one of the most popular was a ginger, Jesus. The thing was Jay was straight (or so he said) but a lot of guys had a crush on him because he was a pretty boy, and he was known for kissing both guys and girls (more guys than girls because of the ratio, and I saw like a clip of him kissing students and it was really hot..) in an erotic fashion, for favors. It was said that his kisses were like a brief taste of heaven, and I had a crush on him. Not having had my first kiss I wanted him to be my first. We made it to the cafeteria and a couple guys flirted with me and my group of friends (who were girls). And for a brief moment I saw Jesus look at me, and I swore I saw him wink. My friend told me I was just imagined it as they grabbed their food, then they left me to find somewhere to sit while I got my fruits. We wore uniforms in this school and the girls wore an anime short type skirt. So the guys saw me alone and they were telling me to sit with them that they don't bite. I kindly told them I'd just sit with my friends and they were like disappointed but one smacked my butt as I passed by and I felt my cheeks get hot as I wuucjly tried to find my friends. I couldn't and just quickly sat down because I felt their lustful eyes on me and I didn't want to get smacked again. As I looked up I saw Jesus sitting next to me casually eating a sandwich, which only he could make look sexy. I like apologized for disturbing his peace and started getting up but he put a hand on my arm and pulled me back down onto his lap. I was confused and my heart was beating fast as I looked at him. He like gestured around us and I saw all eyes on us and he quietly whispered "Just stay here, they are like rabid dogs." He had his arm wrapped around me as if it was no big deal and continued to eat his sandwich. I tried to slide off saying I must be heavy and in the way. but he didn't let me budge keeping his hands on my thighs and turning my head to look at him. "It's fine you're good. These are better than I thought up close." I felt to aroused to even eat and he leaned forward putting his head in the crook of my neck and I thought he would kiss me but he just grabbed some grabes and smirked chuckling at my reaction. "What did you think I would kiss you?" His arms were wrapped around my waist his hands in my lap smoothing out my skirt teasingly his lips were hovering over my own at this point, "What would you give me in return?" At this point I was like nervous and I could hear my friends giggle fr across the cafeteria even he noticed as his head perked and turned in their direction. He flashed them a smile and he calmly slid me off his lap and got up telling one of the guys to take his turn (every day different kids were assigned to clean the tables after everyone ate, and today was his turn.) He looked at me licking his lips and then left with his hands in his pockets and some heafs turned as he left, he never looked back and I was never more confused.

AI generated interpretation Based on your dream, there are several themes and emotions that stand out. The presence of the pink deadly smoke in your dream could represent fear or a sense of impending danger in your waking life, particularly the feeling of needing to warn others and protect them from harm. This can indicate a sense of responsibility or leadership, as shown by your actions to help others escape the danger. The setting of the elementary school and the music room could symbolize nostalgia for a simpler time in your life or a desire to revisit the past. The presence of the sad songs and themes of death in the dream may suggest unresolved emotions or fears related to mortality and loss. The interaction with the boys in the dream, particularly the instances of covering the door with their shirts and the talk of repopulating the earth, could reflect feelings of protection and responsibility towards others, as well as themes of masculinity and sexuality. The second part of your dream involving the school with a predominantly male population and the character of "Jesus" could symbolize themes of power dynamics, desire, and social hierarchy. The attention and desire from the male characters in the dream, including Jesus, may reflect feelings of validation or the desire for intimacy and connection. The encounter with Jesus in the cafeteria, where he acts flirtatiously and teasingly towards you, could represent a mix of desire, uncertainty, and vulnerability in your waking life. The pressure to reciprocate his advances and the gaze of others in the cafeteria may indicate feelings of being scrutinized or judged in social situations. Overall, your dream seems to touch upon themes of fear, protection, desire, and social dynamics. It may suggest underlying feelings of responsibility, nostalgia, desire for connection, and navigating power dynamics in your waking life. Consider reflecting on these themes and how they may resonate with your current emotions and experiences.