A perfect world (kinda?)

Date: 8/18/2023

By cesarsald

My dream revolved around a school the town tight next to it and the people within and around. Everything began normally until people started to act specifically a certain way. Almost like an act people would imitate emotions poorly and more pronounced if that makes sense. This was because some alien race was taking over and converting into people. Everyone that was taken over began to mimic human emotions but in a robotic way. This caused actual humans to try and pretend that they were aliens by copying the same thing. I don't remember too well how the dream started but for some reason I was ludwig the streamer and I began walking around the town. This was at a point where alien guards disguised as humans that were serious all the time were cracking down on humans that hadn't converted into aliens yet. Some people ran either getting away or getting chased. I came across an accessory store that started having a free giveaway i guess since they knew this was the end. There i talked with someone i recognized irl and left after a bit. I started to head back to the school which was mainly aliens and saw a sign with moistcritikal that mentioned wanted. This was when i got a flashback within the body and perspective of moistcritikal. I was running away from school when i noticed pokemon running away for some reason. One of these was a giant arceus down the street running from the guard aliens. I came up to the arceus to try and help and then he shrunk down. To blend in I had to copy other aliens that were running through the snow outside school not stopping or showing emotion. This kept going until i came to one of the rooms where they started to chase me. They were close so I went to the balcony and hid on top of one of the windowsills laying completely still to avoid suspicion. One of the guards came and tried to figure where i escaped to and eventually saw me. He tried to grab me but one of the janitors (a human pretending to be an alien disguised as a human) told him I was just a doll and shouldn't bother it which helped. I talked with the janitor a bit then got away with arceus hiding somewhere in the school. My perspective then went back to ludwig. I realized moistcritikal with arceus was the only way to bring things back to normal. I ran to the school noticing groups of the human aliens all copying certain actions and emotions like a group that was jacking off making monotone moans and another laughing in monotone and so on. Around the area I came on clues like a poster for mew the ancestor of pokemon. It mentioned only appearing at night at the back of the school. One or two of the normal aliens noticed my odd behavior(to them at least) and started to follow me somewhere around this point I was acting like a doll for a bit but had to stop because of this. And so I started to run away and came to the back of the school where crafts for the art class were. The alien had almost caught up but the art class teacher had come out scolding the alien for the poor art projects he created before. I was with some other actual human at this point and wanted to say thanks in a monotone way to copy the aliens. But then the teacher was like stop I know you guys are humans I am too I just have been blending in. I get relieved and we start to get taught by the art teacher some crafts waiting till night. But then my dream had ended.