Some girls are hot and some are cold.

Date: 3/29/2020

By heyitsfrannie

It’s like nothing can ever go my way. So I’m in my dream walking around a version of my school. I have no idea if this is college or high school because people I know from both go there. So in a previous dream I went to the school and one of the classes I took was ceramics. I developed a crush on a guy in the class, but I can’t remember what happened. Anyway I was back at the school and I decided to go the ceramics study. I think this was a different semester because I don’t think I was in the class anymore. But my ceramics teacher Mr.Rigsby liked me so much I could still stop by. So I went to say hey to him and there was this student there that I believe I had a crush on. I went, sat by him and we talked as he glazed his pieces. He then asked me to look at them all and tell him what I thought. The ceramic pieces: A cake that had fallen off the table, an eagle, and I don’t remember the rest. Just know it was about 10 pieces, big and small. Also some of them were so delicate that they were falling apart. I thought I was breaking them but he acted like it was fine. Anyway after I was finished looking he said he felt they deserved a grade of 8.5. I felt they should have been a 6.5-7 because they were falling apart at the touch and that’s bad craftsmanship. So, I think a bell rings signaling that class is over. I get up to leave and ask him where he’s going bc of course I’m gonna walk with him. When this black girl that I don’t know, in real life, but I do in the dream walks up to me. First off her wig was a pink bob and it looked beautiful on her chocolate skin. Anyway, she walked up to me, very politely and gently, and proceeded to tell me that she was dating the ceramics guy. I was a little embarrassed and felt really silly. I just went oh and apologized and told her I had no idea. She said it’s fine and that she only said something because it looked like he wasn’t going to. I shrugged it off and watched her walk with him along with her friends trailing behind her. They also had colored wigs on, one was blue with finger waves and the other was pink and long. They smiled and walked out. I walked toward the direction of cafeteria when all of a sudden one of the girl’s friends, with the finger waves, walked up to me. She asked what happened in the studio and I told her. She gasped and said it’s whatever bc they had just recently started dating and not everybody knew. She then asked if I was gonna be in the show case, when all of sudden we heard a lot a girls yelling. We walked toward the stairs and there were two lines of girls, ones dressed in blue and silver, the others dressed in pink, red and orange. A few of the got in a disagreement in the back and few teachers stopped them before it escalated. I thought something was gonna kick off so I was prepared to run, but I saw my best friend Raven and stopped and stood by her. After that a few “minutes” later, as I was standing of the bottom of the staircase the girls started filling in to the Dance 4 You by Beyoncé. I was basically standing right where the spotlight was shining. I tried to get out the way, but just as I did the boys came trailing in behind the girl. They were wolf whistling, yelling, cheering. It was crazy. As I moved to the side my phone started blowing up asked if I was up there. Which was weird. Just as I was about to reply, this man, I don’t know if he was a teacher or a student, but he started singing a Chris brown song. I’m not exact on the title but I think it was Take You Down, but the thing is when he sang it sounded exactly like Chris Brown. He went, “Here we are all along in this room. Ohhh...” and I woke up. I honestly don’t know what that was, but anyway here yeah go