Date: 6/28/2019
By keikodreams
I just woke up from a dream in which I was back at my old high school. I haven’t been since 2016. The cool part about this dream is that I’ve had it before and I actually remembered which is extremely, extremely rare. Basically, I was put into a new class, a math class, but before the class started I needed a $20 bill in fake money in order to participate in the activity of the day and get credit. So I had to go all the way across the school to another math teacher and borrow a 20. The only thing was I only had 2 min left before the bell rang. And I initially didn’t know where to go to find the $20. I originally went to the wrong teacher at first. Ms. Slaughter but she was nice and told me who had the fake money. A student in the hallway told me that Ms. Slaughter became a teacher after scamming her way into Stephenson and that she previously had only worked at banks. Funny enough now as I’m typing I realize that ms slaughter was actually Brittany, a light skin bartender from Applebee’s I used to work with and loved. Not sure why she popped up in the dream but it was nice seeing her. I think the reason why I chose her was based off of a convo I had with my coworker last night while waiting at the train station. He told me that he basically scammed his way into this job but felt a lil uncomfortable working around younger people when he’s 30. I responded by telling him that I used to work with 30 year olds at Applebee’s when I was 18 and we’d hang out very frequently, age is just a concept. I reminisced for a sec while telling him bc it was a great time of my life. Anyway, so back to the dream, I eventually found the classroom and asked the teacher for the $20 and made my way back to class. It was 1:18 and I wondered why the bell hadn’t rang yet but I figured that I only had 2 min left so I hurried back. Omw back I saw many kids and saw a fight I believe. It was very reminiscent. Back at the classroom I got there at exactly 1:20 and I saw my old friend Starr sitting in the exact same spot she did in the first dream a couple weeks ago. So I sat in my spot but then I woke up haha