Date: 7/11/2017
By Grovegoblin
working on a new flip with my mom and grandpa that looked like it came out of Stardew Valley: it had a huge tobacco feild behind it that we cleaned up to look really good. We fixed it up very nice and it looked very good. But, all of the potentail buyers made fun of it and hated it. Finally, my mom accepted a lowball offer of 53% of the original valuevalue from an old family and their grand daughter. In a voicemail to my mom from the daughter, she called my mom the sweatiest woman she knew and that she was proud to say that. interpretation: fear about my parent's flip. They worked so hard on this home, I'd hate to see them lose money on it. Also, I'm playing too much Stardew Valley. Lastly, my mpm is a very hard worker and she is always given the short end of the stick.