Ave Maria

Date: 9/1/2017

By Elina15

I remember some white person saying that if we ran them (natives) off the land it would be ours for ever, but it sounded like prophecy. A woman named Ave Maria. The women are rounded up by me but I was a sympathizer to their plight I whipped them and I had the whip around her neck and was leading her away. I told her don't fight, that I want her to be free. That I want her to go back to her friend Ave Marie but we didnt find her. I had a feeling she was dead end the woman started walking and crying. Maybe she felt she was gone. I couldn't really tell which woman was named this. The Sheep, meat corn was all taken No food grew there I'm not entirely sure but something about this felt like a past life. I woke up crying because of the pain I was inflicting on these people.