Vegas baby shower

Date: 3/4/2022

By torigrady7717

So kaiden and i went to this baby shower for a chick who was A) VERY far along in her pregnancy and B) neither of us knew. So initially it was just kaiden and I in this big ass hotel room, but slowly more and more people came. I was standing at the drive for a while because I wanted to pour a Modelo into my ice coffee I was making but I didn’t want my parents to freak out so I ended up standing there for a really long time. Eventually I went up to my mom and asked if I could use the rest of a half drinked one and she said yes with no hesitation. Once the baby shower started, it was an actual rager. It started with my mom talking about the mom on this big screen and she kept trying to show her boobs on camera so I had to take my drunk ass up there and stop her. But then she told me I had a talent and I should embrace it so I started shaking my ass to the crowd and they all looked like this 😮. Then kaiden yelled “crowd surf” which is exactly what I was thinking so I did. After that I ended up on a couch with Kaleb Smith and my dad was passing out more Modelos and kaleb took a handful and kept sticking his thumbs in the openings of the bottles. The only thing my dad and Kaleb said to me was “ur underage” and kept laughing at me. Throughout the whole dream, the mom started going into labor in the hotel room so we had to leave, then when we left we got invited to a funeral with my family so we had to go. We got to the funeral, and my dad was passing out Rasin Caínes chicken, but kaiden accidentally threw away the box my dad gave us so we were digging through the trash and my dad asked if we were being sneaky and I said “ya I left my crack in there” but kaiden took only the napkins out😐which makes sense to me but I’m not explaining that’s part. Then Autumn pulls up in this super old slug bug and there was a chick in the car with her. My mom leaned over to me and said, “ omg she brought a hooker”. That’s it.