Flashlight Power Saves the Day!?!

Date: 9/16/2019

By CalMehJuly

A robot evil girl was chasing us. We had to cross a dangerous river. Some of us has super powers to get across. I was one of them. I said my magic chant that involved the word sticky! I yelled it out and gum sticked to the other side that leads to a door for us all to escape from the evil dangers that chased us. We all got across I think and had to open the brown old door. It didnt open. We tried and tried with all our might. Nothing. I held out a flashlight that whatever light that is on it would explode!!! But the evil robot girl could change my aim of it. YOU DONT WANT TO KILL YOUR FRIEND PATRICIA DO YOU? she threaten me. So I made the light focus on her head that was square by making the light SMALLER. NOOOO!! She screamed but she ran to us. The door still haven't open yet!! I USED MY POWER OF OPENING A RANDOM PORTAL TO LET US OUT!! We got into this alternate unvierse where we went inside this girl's room who had her dad or boy friend with her. She too hsd portal pow ers too and didnt care at all about us going through her house. Superpowers? Am I right? Thank U for 📚!