the end of the world and the beginning of a new one

Date: 8/29/2016

By LdonnyH24

Dreampt that the world was ending, and everything was spiraling into madness. There were earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunami's, craters were falling out of the sky, people were getting sick and dying, and zombies we're eating people. my whole family had already died. the only people left on the earth that I knew where Greg and Darren from my job, usain bolt, and Carl, Glenn, and Maggie from The Walking Dead were there too. eventually Darren and Carl disappeared and I didn't see them any more in the dream, I assumed that they died, but everybody else survived Almost Up Until the End. at the end of the dream, I was in a bunker with Glenn and Maggie and Maggie was laying on a cot when a zombie snuck up and bit her in the neck and killed her. Glenn was devastated and started freaking out and then he ran into the kitchen and I didn't see him anymore after that, I assumed that he died too. I ran back to Greg's house and Greg was just hanging out watching TV like nothing was even going on. Suddenly the ground started to shake violently and the world started to crumble underneath our feet, me and Greg started running. Greg couldn't keep up so I ended up losing sight of him and that's when I saw Usain Bolt. Me and Usain Bolt were running literally stride-for-stride next to each other, and Usain Bolt was wearing the same thing that he wore in the Olympics for some reason. as we were running, there was a guy in the distance that was shouting that he knew how to get to heaven, so we ran over to him. there was an angel standing next to him, she was wearing regular clothes, but she had a glow around her and a warm happy aura, and I knew that she came from heaven. the man was wearing torn dirty clothes and look like he was homeless. I realized that the man was Jesus, and he had been on Earth the whole time disguised as a homeless person. The only people that could see him or the angel were the people that believed in him and believed in God in heaven, I knew this because some people were running towards them but other people weren't. The angel lifted her arms and then me, usain bolt, and a bunch of other people began to shoot up into the sky, we we're being raptured up to heaven. We kept going higher and higher in the air and the light got brighter and brighter and we were going extremely fast. I could feel a rush of warmth and excitement radiating through me. I blacked out and then when I woke up I was in a huge gravel parking lot, and in the distance there was a town with a bunch of somewhat raggedy houses and the roads had potholes . I felt warm, at peace, and safe. I just had a warm happy feeling, like I used to feel when I was a kid on Christmas Eve watching Christmas cartoons. I started walking around and when I got to the end of the lot, I saw a bunch of other people there . I saw Greg sitting in his car and Darren was sitting in the passenger seat, I saw my girlfriend's sister and her nephew. I walked through the neighborhood and saw Glenn and Maggie, they were in one of the houses holding eachother close, and sitting in front of a fireplace. and then after that I ran into Usain Bolt again and me and him started walking together, we got to the end of the neighborhood and there was a glowing white door. I could feel the happiness and warmth radiating from the door and I knew that on the other side of that door was Heaven. we were all being held in the holding area until heaven was ready to let us in. I understood then why I didn't see any of my family, or a lot of other people that I knew had died, they we're all on the other side of this door, they had already made it into heaven. me and Usain Bolt walked back to the parking lot and I ran into a lady that I used to go to church with she was crying really hard because she couldn't find her daughter or her grandchildren and she thought that maybe they hadn't been raptured and I was trying to console her as she was crying on my shoulder and then all of a sudden from behind us her daughter and grandkids came up and she turned around and hugged all of them. I couldn't wait to get through the door and go into heaven so that I could see my family again but I woke up before that happened.