Mer people and river

Date: 8/10/2019

By afolse

Wake up floating down a river with two guys, on a tiny boat too small for 2 people. Everything flooded i only have a brush trying to get ready for work brushing my hair i lose the brush. About 12 merpeople swim by under the water. I lose the brush and we land on a rock for some reason the merpeople swim back by in the other direction the other direction. Later the mer people swim back and there is one particular would ths comes out and talks to me. Male pestal purple tail i mention loseing my brush he says "you are the one with the really soft hair" I am like i guess let him touch it. Then the rest of the "clan" gets bery agressive al very petal color talk blue, yellow, green, pink, and start talking about how horrible people are and almost violet. Then i start talking about how they know nothing about me and about my olf fashion mixed with modren beliefs, and they calm down.