Dildo Dream Lmfao

Date: 7/8/2022

By Xiileaf

[Note: I was half-asleep towards the end of the dream there, so some if it isn’t completely dream related. I’ve also forgotten some stuff since it’s been 12+ hours.] I was in a huge movie theater. It was pretty normal, aside from it’s size and the pilot seat belts attached to each seat. The seats had a little bit of height as they needed mobility. I had come with at least one friend, maybe three at most. We had chosen seats in the front left of the theater, facing the screen. After my friends, myself, and everyone else in the slightly crowded theater had sit down and strapped themselves in, the lights dimmed and the movie had begun. I can’t remember anything really about the movie, but we moved around quite a bit, and the chairs even went upside down once or twice. Eventually though, the movie, which felt like a series of shows that had nothing to do with each other, basically changed into a porno. At this point, there was actually an intermission where the lights came on, the screen paused, and the seats went back to thier stationary positions. “Now, if you look in the bag to your right and behind you,” a man on stage holding a microphone and dressed semi-business professional said, “you’ll find what you need for the rest of this section of the movie.” With that, the man disappeared, and the movie went back to rolling. I looked at the screen and saw genitals. No one wants to see that in a room crowded with people, so I looked away towards the rest of the crowd. The females has their hands on dildos, and we’re rubbing them. The males, or at least one of them, had a black strap on (or what my mind thinks one is since I’ve never seen one) and was fondling it. At this point, I was wondering why they were using the toys instead of themselves. Moderately disturbed, I looked into the bag and saw an assortment of dildos in it. One of it was leaking a gross yellow liquid that was probably supposed to represent cum. No wonder. I reached out and touched the one that was leaking yellow ooze. Ran my thumb over the tip a couple of times, even trying to stroke it, but even having not felt a real ding dong in real life, I knew this fake one was too leathery and unrealistic. It looked realistic (minus the yellow cum), but it didn’t feel like real skin. I gazed at the porno on screen for a couple seconds longer, but felt nothing, so I retreated to a room to the left of the theater that had some monkey bars. I leaned against the poles with a sigh, still thinking about the utter falseness of the dildo. I know generic ones are supposed to be rubber or something, but aren’t dreams supposed to be realistic? After some thinking, one of my supposed friends had come to join me as well as a stranger who hadn’t really enjoyed the “movie” per se. We’d just be chillin’ until it’s over.

AI generated interpretation This dream reflects your discomfort with the idea of sexuality and intimacy. The use of the dildos in the movie symbolizes a desire to be in control of your own sexual experiences, as well as a fear of the unknown. The oversized movie theater may represent a feeling of being overwhelmed by the expectations of sexual performance. The monkey bars indicate a desire to escape from the uncomfortable atmosphere of the movie theater, as well as a need for safety and security. The stranger who joins you in the end may symbolize a desire for new experiences or a hope for a different perspective on the subject of sex.