GC's Discipline

Date: 8/13/2023

By Swords

X and I meet with C&J to try and settle the backlog of grievances. The first they bring up is GC's omnibus discipline letter for poor performance. They offer $4K. The grievance is years old and neither J nor C were working here then. Even I can't recall the full details, but I remember there was one allegation GC was adament about having removed. I ask for a break to go talk to GC and we agree to meet back in 30 min. GC is on the same floor. We walk to the big open office area for student services. Office workers from long ago greet me fondly but they are nervous about who I might be looking for. "Stop looking at me like I'm a Disease," I joke, and they laugh nervously. I find GC at the back and we step out in the hallway to talk. We go to the new cafeteria. It is so clean and modern! I buy a muffin and add a bottle of water at the til. $2.15. I give the attendant a $5 bill from my wallet. I have many small bills. He slides the change into a clear, zippered pocket of my laptop bag, which seems a bit forward. X, GC and I get split up and lost in the maze of hallways and doors heading back to HR. We keep finding and losing each other. I have to use the washroom but they are all thewrong gender here. Grace is not going to take a settlement. She is still very hurt by the letter. She demands to know what Mario was doing outside with the muffin and why they blamed her.

AI generated interpretation In this dream, it seems that there are unresolved issues and grievances within a work or professional setting. The mention of C&J suggests that the dreamer may be attempting to resolve these issues through a meeting or negotiation. The mention of GC's omnibus discipline letter for poor performance possibly symbolizes a past event or accusation related to subpar performance that the dreamer is trying to address. The offer of $4K in the dream could represent a potential settlement or resolution proposed by C&J. The fact that the grievance is old and neither J nor C were working during that time suggests a sense of confusion or difficulty recalling the specifics of the issue. This may reflect the dreamer's struggle to fully remember or understand the details of a past conflict. When the dreamer seeks a break to talk to GC, it indicates a desire for clarification or further information regarding the situation. The location where they meet, a big open office area for student services, could suggest that the dreamer is seeking guidance or advice from someone who is more experienced or knowledgeable. The nervousness of the office workers and the dreamer's joke about being seen as a disease may symbolize a fear of judgment or rejection in seeking this guidance. The dream then shifts to a new cafeteria, which represents a sense of cleanliness and modernity. This could suggest the dreamer's hope for a fresh start or a more positive resolution to the conflict. Purchasing a muffin and adding a bottle of water at the till may indicate a desire to nourish oneself or find some form of comfort amidst the stress of the situation. The attendant sliding the change into a clear, zippered pocket of the dreamer's laptop bag could symbolize a need for organization and control over one's resources or finances. Getting split up and lost in the maze of hallways and doors on the way back to HR suggests a sense of confusion or uncertainty regarding the path to resolution. The dreamer's inability to find a suitable gender-specific washroom could potentially indicate a feeling of discomfort or a lack of support in the current working environment. The mention of Grace's refusal to take a settlement and her feelings of being hurt by the letter suggests that the dreamer may also be observing or empathizing with the emotional impact of the conflict on other individuals. This could signify a heightened sense of responsibility or concern for the well-being of others. Overall, this dream reflects a complex and multi-layered issue that the dreamer is grappling with in their professional life. The dream highlights the need for further communication, clarification, and perhaps a resolution that addresses the emotional impact of past events. It also suggests a desire for a more supportive and organized working environment.