Lucifer Tried to Kill me, only to Marry Me

Date: 9/3/2018

By WhimsicalDreamer

I was tasked by Angels with a mission to kill Satan, but in this case we were like in a world where even God by himself could not fight him off. So sending me in, was a suicide mission, and I was given a partner who was also human, Carter (A sexy man). We came up with a like really bad plan that was bound to go wrong, we infiltrated his high security facility (In my dream he managed a family friendly business, with blood deals on the side I don't know but he was a trillionaire) by swimming in by the side. I told him to get to the Rec room and mess with the feed while I got ready to go in as an intern. I got out of my scuba gear and quickly changed as Carter shamelessly gave me a once over. For some reason I was dressed as a guy. I went in holding a clipboard with a device in my jacket that was the only weapon on Earth that could murder the devil. As I walked through the building the further in I got the darker and more ancient the building seemed to look. There was black walls lit up by torches held up by gold posts. There was intricate golden designs lining the black walls making the walls glisten under the dim light. There was beautiful magnificent large golden columns holding up the building. Finally I got to the outside of his office where his secretary a sexy Black man whose dress shirt could not hide his bulging muscles sat looked me over unamused as I explained I had urgent business with "Mr. Lucifer". He sighed and got up walked over to me whispering in a husky voice, then finishing up the second sentence normally. "He'll eat you up alive. Good luck." His voice gave me the good kind of goosebumps with his voice as he opened up the doors for me and gave me a firm yet gentle push inside. The juxtaposition almost blinded me, inside the room was blinding white, everything in the office was white and the room seem to stretch on forever. There was a narrow passage leading to his desk and two huge pools on either side of the passage and his desk. He sat his eyes closed hand pinching the bridge of his nose as he dropped his pen. He was one of the most perfect human beings I had ever seen, he had thick lush black jet hair that was slicked back and a close trimmed beard in a sharp design. This accentuated his pale skin, he wore a maroon and black suit that was tailored, and fit him well his body which I could only imagine was fit and athletic. "What do you want?" His stern tone surprised me and my hands became shaky as I approached slowly and he looked up his eyes hidden by thick lashes and an intense stare that made me knew he saw through my disguise and motive. I gulped and stopped dead in my tracks as he stood and before I knew it he was in front of me looking down at me making me feel even smaller. As he was closer I felt my breathing hitch I stepped back and felt the cold water touch the tips of my now bare feet. He was holding me by the collar of my shirt and I grabbed onto his lean muscular arm and he looked at me disappointed. I suddenly became a woman again and his hand brushed slightly against my bust. He let go and I fell into the water and he looked away and for a second I could swear he blushed. When he turned he had regained his composure and he stood looming over me who was now soaking wet and gripping to the edge of the walkway because I couldn't swim "Is this the best father can send, a pathetic woman." His body grew and he was literally glowing a golden light. As he wrapped his rough hand around my throat and picked me up, and it turned me on but I took out the device and it expanded into a rod that I tried to hit him with but he simply lifted his other arm and it stopped it was like I was hitting and invisible wall. My clothes stuck to my body and his eyes wandered over my curves and he blushed his grip on my throat lessened and he let me go on the floor. I took the rod and threw it like a spear and it changed shape into a spear and got him in the eye and he fell clutching his eyes. I ran out taking off my clothes that was restricting my movement leaving just my bra and underwear passing the secretary who just said, "I knew it, little scandalous don't you think. Not that I'm complaining." I kept on running until I ran into a guy who was wearing a jacket and cap that said technician, he grabbed my shoulders and called me by my code name, "Scarlett?! Put on some clothes." It was my partner Carter, he took off his jacket and put it on me picking me up from under the thighs his eyes locked on my neck which I'm sure was bruised. We escaped and we're far away into the city and reaching the forest surrounding it. We reached our base which was decorated with bouquets of flowers and fruit baskets full of fruit and chocolates. I looked at Carter confused and Lucifer came out wearing a blinding white, and pushed Carter off of me. "Become my bride." My eyes widened and he realized I was still very much naked and gave me a beautiful long white dress. I ripped off the bottom pulled Carter and started running I had no idea what he was playing at. He finally noticed and pursued, easily matching our pace and placed a ring and necklace on me while I attempted to flee. He finally stood in front of me waving his hand and Carter flew back landing softly in a pile of leaves. Lucifer grabbed my hand and said, "I didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice." He got behind me and kissed my shoulder slowly kissing up to my neck and biting gently. It burned for a bit but then it felt good, it made me feel turned on as he played with my sweet spot. I tried not to moan but he made it very difficult. The scene changed and we stood in a beautiful house and his arm was around my waist as he kissed me passionately.