Bedwars runaway

Date: 3/7/2020

By xCaligo

This dream started out as a free for all capture the bed game for bedwars there were four teams and two sides which didn’t make a whole lot of sense. I think we were supposed to just not target the other team on our side. Most of the players were just messing arround breaking blocks and creating these massive catwalks around our bases. It looked a lot like 2b2t players on out team were even kiling each other with buckets of lava. The timer in the xp bar ticked down and the game began. I jumped across this little void gap separating our side from the other side and I ended up getting punched off. Somehow I was able to cling to the bottom of the block and then sling my way up back to the top to enemy territory. The two people guarding were shocked because I technically just broke the physics of the game. I ran by them and to the left were I had thought I had seen the teams beds. There was this ramshackle cobblestone spiral pillar that built up to the other levels and I made a beeline for it. I started to gather more attention more opponents started running at me. I took a few punches but my health bar was still good. I parkoured my way to the top of the pillar and found the base. It was pretty basic. Except when I looked quickly I realized that there were 3 fame beds in front if me. I had to make a split second decision but decided to loop around and keep looking. Thankfully when I turned the corner going down a level, there it was this dark gray bed nestled into some cobblestone. I punched at it and it broke I went to go pick it up right as a mob of players started to swarm me, Wacking away with their fists. Somehow I managed to pick it up and make a run for it. The chase continued. I tryed ro huck the bed off the edge into the void but it just bounced and landing safely on a subterranean playform. Great. I jumped down to follow it and had to punch an oblivious player out of the way before he could pick it up. I ran to it picked it up and this time I successfully tossed it into the void. At this point people gave up trying to chase me so I was able to safely hope to our side. On my first attempt I had destroyed their bed. I made it back to our base and the dream shifted slightly. I was at my grandmas house in NC. The turmoil from the game was like mirrored outside and it blended into this more real loge setting. This older guy that I didn’t know but he seemed to be protecting me was there. We were trying to hide from someone or something in this house. There was a knock on the front door and this guy gave me a look and he want to go check on it. I watched from around the corner in the dining room. On the surface the guy just looked like a salesman but when he saw my protector his expression darkened and it was like these guys knew eachother. I’m not sure what exactly they were talking about but the guy at the door tried to put my protector in a headlock but he pulled out a knife and just gutted the guy before my eyes. Before going limp the salesman let out a scream. My protector looked grim. I was a little bit stunned by what he just did. He turned and grabbed the body looking for somewhere to hide it. He told me that they are coming. I wasn’t sure what he meant. A few seconds late these two zombie looking dogs ran up to the door and my protector tried his best to shut the screen door on them but in the end he just took his knife and plunged it into there throats. He looked at me and said “we need to get out of here, now” he told me to grab what I could. I found a few kitchen knives and was looking around for something I could use as a blanket. I found a really small shawl and picked it up but realized it would do next to nothing so i kept looking. There was a loud banging on the door which startled me but I kept looking. I found this big moleskin overcoat like what hagrid wears and decided it would have to do. The banging was getting louder and my protector went to go check it out. I could see several faces leering through the window in the door all try to get through to us. My protector i guess realing that we were horribly out numbered gave up on trying to confront them and just came to help me gather stuff. I really wanted to find my backpack because I keep alot of little knick nacks that would be helpful in a survival situation. I heard glass shatter ad the side window broke through and my protector turned white. We were out of time he told me to run now I did exactly what he said. I opened the back door to the second story deck and found my way over to the pillar that I would always climb up to get up (which my grandma always got scared of me doing). I swung my legs over the railing and instead of climbing down I just jumped. I’m surprised I didn’t sprain an ankle. I hit the ground running and went left into the woods. My protector yelled a hurried “I’m sorry” and “goodluck” to me and then peeled right disappearing into the woods. I could hear dogs chasing us. I turned around to gage my distantance and realized that they were all chasing him. I had made a pretty easy path to follow though, through this tall grass that doesn’t actually grow there in real life. I didn’t want to be followed and split off from the woods and into the yards of some of the neighbors, my heart still pounding. For some reason I was now in suburban TN and this one kid stopped me. I guess I knew him from somewhere but he stopped me and I tried to tell him I was on the run but he didn’t seem to acknowledge it. He handed me this little legless lizard that reminded me a little of tesla the leopard gecko. I was like thanks I guess and then I continued running. I was on this little foot bridge and I remember seeing this homless man smoking something and coughing really hard behind his shopping cart. He seemed really cold and was barefoot. I think I said something like smoking isn’t good for you man. But I’m not sure. This is about where I woke up. Also some context I think part of the runaway survival thing was triggered by me watching moonrise kingdom last night.