Digital art, A couple's romantic evening takes a horrifying turn when they stumble upon a sinister scene in a hotel room, leading them to fight for their lives against a group of eerie individuals with sewn mouths.

New boyfriend

Date: 2/18/2020

By Ayumi32

I'm in Charles's home, with him mother, and he just help me find a guy to meet for love. I finally meet him in a car, we are kissing hardly, and then, we go in our respect home. The next day, we want to see us again. So we re meet, in his car, and we go for a ride. We discuss, a lot, and then, the night falls. We begin to kiss, and do some things in the car, but it's the first time for our couple, so we wanted it right. So we decided to go to an hotel five stars to do it. We go in car, I drive, in the night, and park it in the parking's hotel. We really want each other, there is passion between us, but we can wait. We come into the hotel, meet the receptionist, with a girl who throw some water on us with a spray, she look happy. She tell me that there are green plants in her water. In waiting, we meet couples of people who come for the same thing as me and my guy. My guy is a big man, strong and I have passion for him, I really want him. We meet two gays couples, one with two young mans, and after, one with one young and one old man, and a straight couple, witch is really nice. Finally, a girl come, and she tell us that we can find a room. We go into the corridor and we can heard people do some sex while we told us that the rooms was soundproofed. Whatever, we keep looking for a room and we climb stairs to see if there is nothing up. A the first floor, we can see old computers, couples are doing sex with porn. We progress to see if there is no room away, but all the beds are occupied and opened, without wall. In the back of this "room" we see a bathroom. We enter, and something is weird... the is a shower with curtains closed, and we open them.... to see body's, half dead-half alive, to a couple, attached in the air, together, with blood everywhere, on the bath and them bodys. I feel badly surprised, look at my guy and tell him calmly "Okey... now we quit this room, like if nothing happened, and we saw nothing. Then we run". He approved, seems decomposed, and we retrace our steps slowly. But a girl, typic on horror films, throw herself on us and tell us "You'll never go away" with a big smile. The precedent room, where the computer was, there is now hundreds of people, the mouths sewed and with blood around them. I panic, she catch me and my guy together, and she isolates us... there was other girls like her who are helping her. We are in the middle of the piece, and she tell me "you'll stay in silence forever still now", and her mouth appears suddenly sews like the others, I scream, and like in a movie, I'm not in my body anymore, but I see the scene through the camera which grow up to see a large plan with me, screaming, the girl with a sewing thread to shut my mouth with it, and all the people with sewed mouths, covered in blood, agonizing.

AI generated interpretation Based on the content of your dream, it appears to be a mix of both positive and negative elements. Dreams often reflect our subconscious thoughts, desires, and fears, so let's analyze each aspect of your dream individually. The dream starts with you being in Charles's home with his mother and seeking help from him to find love. It suggests that you may have a desire for a new romantic relationship, or you may be seeking advice or guidance from someone close to you (represented by Charles). This could indicate a desire for companionship and emotional connection. Meeting someone in a car and kissing passionately symbolizes intimate desires and a strong physical attraction to this new person. Moving to your respective homes may reflect a desire for a deeper connection beyond just physical intimacy. The desire to have an intimate encounter but wanting it to be special and right suggests that you may have certain expectations and standards in your romantic relationships. It implies a desire for a meaningful connection rather than a casual encounter. The interruption by the girl with the spray bottle who mentions green plants in her water may symbolize an unexpected disruption or intrusion into your romantic relationship. This interruption might represent external influences or distractions that hinder the development of your connection. Encountering other couples who are also seeking intimacy could represent a desire for validation or a fear of competition in relationships. The diversity in sexual orientations within the dream may suggest that you are open to exploring different types of relationships or that you are accepting of diverse sexual orientations. Entering the hotel and hearing people engaging in sexual activities while being told that the rooms are soundproofed highlights conflicting messages or situations. It may reflect a conflict between your desires and social norms or expectations. This could indicate inner turmoil or confusion about what is socially acceptable versus what you truly desire. The discovery of the disturbing scene in the bathroom with blood, tied-up bodies, and sewn mouths suggests a sudden and terrifying twist. This horrific imagery may represent deep-seated fears or anxieties related to intimacy, vulnerability, or losing one's voice. It could reflect a fear of being silenced or controlled in a relationship, or it may symbolize a fear of losing autonomy and individuality. Overall, this dream shows a mix of positive elements related to desire for connection and romance, as well as negative elements emphasizing fears, anxieties, and unexpected interruptions. It is important to recognize and understand these emotions and fears to better navigate your relationships and personal growth.