Threesome with succubi

Date: 7/22/2020

By Caophi

At some party and a buncha asian bloods came in. Shook a couple hands. One looked at me weird but ended up shaking my hand anyway. I think to myself “I’m at the wrong crib 🤔” I look around and all the sudden everyone disappears and I’m on the couch with two girls. One blonde chick is sitting behind me with her legs around me. I don’t remember how we got there or who they were and nobody was talking so I felt awkward and social anxiety kicked in so I got up to leave. As I walk away I hear her whisper to her friend “I want to ride the shit out of him”. I just kept walking towards the door and then thought to myself damn how many girls be thinking this and were too afraid to tell me 🤔 I felt dumb af for not going for it so I turned around and headed back to the living room. These two baddies are under a blanket and humping the shit out of each other. I’m like damn let a mf get in that and they said ok. I take off my pants with the swiftness and tried to take my shirt off but it got caught on my necklace or some shit and wouldn’t disconnect. I just swung that shit around and wore it like a mf cape and proceeded to lay on my back. This blonde chick is naked af and gets up to sit on my dick. I start to get the feeling of an evil presence and knew RIGHT away where the dream was about to head. Except I didn’t give a fuck. I just looked at her and gave her a Kanye shrug 🤷🏻‍♂️ like go ahead and turn into a demon I’m still tryna fuck lmao. She looked shocked and confused. Whole time her face is morphing into different people and shit. I’m laying there unreactive af just staring at her. Shorty was tryna snatch my soul and I was gon let her so she didn’t know how to act. I wake up.