Date: 10/5/2016
By Rikilloyd
I put jasmine on my pillow to have better remembering my dreams but I was being rude at one point to my ex and realized that even though he was wrong I was thinking of my actions and it slipped to me sitting on these like building or school steps and my best friend in high school who passed away was this celebrity or artist singer, and was previewing the album of her new cat here were two other people on the steps with us and she's playing this song they hadn't heard ever would be released only with the album and they start singing and it's something about like love and guys. Well as it plays and I start to get into it she mouths or whispers the words to me don't listen to this song(like a evil trance or to make sure it didn't hypnosis me or brainwash) so I put my hands to my ears plugging them think put my head down and was trying to not let the others know as they sang along. Then was in grandmas truck at Kents leaving they and me drive off ? But this cop comes out with us, following and I think I decide to get out and either him or some guy in a nice car was like hey what are you doin? You ain't looking for love tonight? Acting and moving his body all pumped up crazyish like the songs message making everyone act wild and wanting love...