Long Dream

Date: 7/25/2021

By Bito

It started off in a hospital. I think it was the emergency room. I was with my family. The halls of the hospital were broad. And the rooms were very few scarce. We were walking throughout the place until one of the doors flung open and I noticed a couple people I recognized. Most of them were old friends from years ago. My family went off without me as I stood greeting these people. More and more people showed up. The majority I didn't recognize. They were all heading off to somewhere. I followed them to an even broader hall that was underground. The entire floor was darker and all of it was concrete. Then I bumped into this girl. At first, she didn't look like anyone I knew. She was whispering some words. I had to lean in but even then I couldn't understand. We walked together with the crowed. Then her face changed into Milan's. At least I think it was. I was calm about it like that was normal. We talk and catch up for a while until her face changed again. This time I didn't know who she was. All of the sudden she turned into a huge flirt. I felt like we were coming up on our destination and we were about to part ways so I asked her for her number. She didn't know what a phone number was. I tried explaining but she just looked at me with a blank stare. I tell her I'm not on any socials so that's outta the question and give her my number. Our conversation was interrupted by someone shouting at us. I look behind and the whole crowd that was walking stopped a few meters back. One lady rushed to us in panic to explain that we were about to walk past one of the rooms where there were some Jews. She continued to explain that they really like their privacy and it would be a problem not only for the two of us but the whole group that was walking if we were to interrupt the Jews. I didn't know what to make of the situation so I just apologized. The girl I was with just stood there crying. We continued to walk and came up on the end of the hall to where the exit was. We all went outside. The crowd became hostile and the girl disappeared. One guy was giving me shit. I was about to leave but I remember he was really getting on my nerves to turn around and just shut him up. I head off to find my car I don't remember parking. But the place seemed familiar. Great open area of gravel and some cars in the north east corner. I make my way there where I see small group of people. One of them was Ham. He greeted me from the distance as I approached and I noticed the cat in his arms. He then suddenly tossed the white and orange feline high up in the air in my direction but she lands safely and runs off to safety. I wanted to check out if the cat was ok but it scurried off so fast and into some hole. I remember thinking wtf is going on with Ham, even he wouldn't do that to an animal. I walk up to him to see if he was sane. Unfortunately, he was. I asked him why he did that. But he just stared at me for a moment and then completely ignored my question as he continues to talk about something unrelated. I meet the small group he was with. One of them was Abdullahi and the other was Brown Sweater Girl. I don't remember her name but she had this distinct suede brown tracksuit that matched her hair. There might have been 2 other guys but their presence wasn't strong. We walk and talk until we end up in some trailer park. It was really run down but I still had reason to believe there were people living here. Abdullahi picked up a 2x4 and smashed one of the windows of the trailer. I lash out on him. He excuses his act thinking there's no one that lives there. Maybe he's right but still. In that moment a car pulls up to that exact trailer Abdul smashed. A tall tattered picket fence was the only thing hiding us from immediately being exposed. The car comes to a full stop, lights and engine goes off, then we all take off. Hamid and Abdul were quick on their feet. Ms Brown Sweater tells me to move as she also takes off so I run with her. We were all pretty much split up at this point but the car's engine and lights come back on and slowly drives towards me and Ms Brown Sweater. So we decide to hide behind one of the broken cars. We duck down as the car gets closer and closer. I'm looking around and notice another fence behind us. The car still approaches and I lose my cool. I decided to hope the fence and lose the car. As soon as I hopped the fence, I almost take flight. I start by going up really high and I see the car, the trailers, and Ms Brown Sweater but not where I left her. I get to a point in the air where I start to fall again and I can kind of control where I'll land so I land far from the car closer to where Brown Sweater is now. I wake up when I land.