Basically a Dream of Feeling Embarrassed

Date: 12/26/2021

By natassja666

In my dream my friend Nathan told me he was going to join the college I’m going to and also become a massage therapist. I was extremely happy and excited and tried to get him put into my class (which obviously wouldn’t work because we’ve learned way too much at this point) Our old manager when I worked with him Neil, was apparently a part of the staff at my school now. He seemed the same though, always exhausted and like he didn’t care about anything. I found out that a bunch of the people in my class were still going to school during Christmas vacation to help out and learn more and I felt embarrassed that I hadn’t been. I went and had to use the bathroom, I realized I had started my period and I clogged the toilet 😭 very gross and embarrassing part of a dream lol. Later Nathan and his girlfriend Emi stopped by my place to hang out and it was such a mess I was also feeling very embarrassed.