The house and my friend..... oh and natsu and pokemon

Date: 10/8/2019

By Chaos/SSJ

I don’t remember much about the house except ive been walking through it all night. There was a path that separated and lead to 2 doors which the one to the left led to the outside which was where everyone else was and the door to the right led to a house I already looked all inside and couldnt find anything. I went back the way i cam to check on natsu because he got left behind for some reason. I found him lying on the ground on top of some board and he said the board was covered in poison under it which was causing a slight movement in the board which was enough to trigger his motion sickness and the smell of the poison was starting to effect natsus magic. I pulled him off the board and he was fine except he still couldnt use magic. We ran through the halls unitl we came up to the separating paths and i remembered natsu has a powerful sense of smell and should be able to tell where everyone was. He pointed to the left door and said they’re that way but was walking to the right. Outside the right door we saw a family walking towards the house with our friend who mustve been hypnotized or something because she didnt seem like our friend at the time. Without his fire magic natsu grabbed a gun nearby and aimed for the dad when his step made a creek in the floor and the family turned to us when natsu hid out if there sight. I thought itd be wise to let them see me so natsu could do whatever he needed so i tried to have a conversation with them but our friend walked in front of me and was holding a bug (waking up from the dream I realized it was actually a pokemon called yanma but just hand sized) she threw the bug at me do i picked up a chair so swing it away when the chair hit the bug and broke into 3 pieces. Parts of the bug landed on me and when i looked back to my friend another was already coming towards me and i only had time to block it with the sleeve of my jacket and the guts got all over my jacket. It was very gross and she was throwing more and more until i started realizing there was also ants crawling all over me. The shock made me fall to the ground and then I realized i fell on a rat and looked at it as i saw maybe 50 more all crawling untop of me and she just kept throwing more and more bugs and then i woke up idk if it was due to fear or i was just ready to wake up but ya