
Date: 1/29/2018

By tiptipkitten

I don’t remember exactly how it started out but I was a guy in a world with cat and dog ears on people and I was with a group of people but then got separated from all but one of them, a small but probably older then she looked girl with blue hair and ears something happened while we were together and we lost our ears. Somehow we were in a car now with the group of people and we chatted for a bit about how people lose their ears (at this point I had my ears again which were black) I still remember me losing them and tried to act normal about the conversation (it was bad to lose your ears). I don’t remember getting there but we got to our destination which was church and I was a girl now (to everybody including me at the time thought I was a girl all along) I went to talk to the girl I lost my ears with and asked her if she used illusion magic also to keep hers there, she said yes then I said something like “it’s gonna be dangerous to fall asleep because our ears will disappear” she agreed and said “we’ll just have to be careful” then we parted ways and I sat down with a few friends. The preacher was gathering people to bring on stage so I sunk low into my seat and didn’t look (even though I knew by the people around me he was pointing at me) eventually he gave up wanting to put me on stage and ask if I can go gather a few children to see if they want to. I left my stuff in the seat and went around trying to talking to a few toddlers but all of them looked and me then walked back to their parents. I sighed gave up and went back to my seat to see some black haired teenager I didn’t know sitting right next to my seat. I tried to be nice so I gave him a small smile and sat down. He seemed happy and tried to start a conversation when what I guess was his little brother brother by two years sat on the open seat to the right and the both leaned close in to talk. I quickly got up and saw their surprised faces I apologized and said “sorry I get nervous easily” and I walked away heading closer to the stage (the stage was more like a patio that wasn’t even raised). The older brother follows me. I noticed the we were in the way of people trying to see so I moved to the right and he immediately followed. someone on stage noticed the trouble I was having because I heard her say this “Looks like liberty is having trouble, the guy won’t quit!” But before anything else could happen the play started (sadly I don’t remember this that well) (also my ears were gone and became completely irrelevant) during the play someone fell directly on their face (on purpose) and kept on talking, eventually my little sister came onto stage twirling her blue dress. I told her to chill the I woke up.