Digital art 4k scene from a movie: In a mysterious town of Rock Island, a young girl encounters a haunted old building, a giant alpaca, a boy professing his love, and a fast turtle with a snake tongue, all in search of her missing parents at a construction-filled apartment building.

Rock Island

Date: 6/17/2024

By hellbound

I was in a strange place. It was a place I didn't recognize, but it was Rock Island. There was a really old building, it looked like it was from the 1800s. It had a huge sign on it, but I couldn't read it. There was an older woman, hanging around a house. She was outside smoking. She saw me, and motioned for me to come over. She said hello and said welcome. There was a huge alpaca in her yard, it was gigantic. I went into the house. There was a boy in there, talking about how he was on the baseball team for UTHS and he was a superstar. He looked geeky, with glasses. I asked where I was, he said I'm in Rock Island. He said he's in love with me. I said okay, I asked if the woman was his mother. He said no, it's his aunt. I asked what the huge building was, he said it was a haunted old building with ghosts. He said my parents were in another building, across the street. I walked back outside. The alpaca had blood all over the its neck. There was also a huge turtle. The huge turtle wasn't slow, it was fast. It followed me to the apartment building where my parents supposedly were. The turtle was trying to bite me, it had the tongue of a snake. There were three floors. I went inside and there was a young woman with a baby. There was construction all over the place. She said my parents were on the third floor. I couldn't figure out how to get up there, there was a huge white door but no real stairs. There was a ladder. I went up the ladder, got to the second floor. It was like a maze and nothing looked normal, it looked like backward world. I got to the third floor and there were more doors. I couldn't find any sign of my parents.  I was in a car with my parents. My mom wanted to go to Northpark Mall in Davenport. I didn't really want to go, but mom was being demanding. We got to Davenport and we stopped at Skate Ranch (which is actually in Milan). There were too many people there, and I flew into the sky. When I flew in the sky, I lost one of my shoes.