~Alternate Reality: 00.05~

Date: 2/29/2020

By roseshavewilted05

It’s been awhile, hasn’t it? — Ah, well...I apologize. My mental health has recently took quite the dive. I’m back now though! This is the first sequence of repetitive almost lucid dreams I have had since 2019. This time, it mostly centered around superpowers, having them in general. - At first? I believe I was Raven ( from Teen Titans ) of course with a small twist. The power I had was completely unrelated to the power she actually has. ( I could fly & I had the ability to do what would be classified as classic telekinesis. ) Next thing I knew? Without any warning, a seamless transition, I now was the infamous Five Hargreeves. ( Again, with quite the twist! ) It seemed from the start, I had learned more potential of my power. I could sail through the sky via small almost spacial disks, they were a very light bluish color, barely able to be seen from the ground, so it would look as if I was just able to fly. I remember a series of events that would fairly quickly take place. The first one? Somehow, seemingly without much warning, I was knocked straight out of the air. Fell straight down a small hill right next to what looked like a public school. I do remember then feeling some twinge of pain. Most likely why I had grimaced, hissed out and immediately went to hold my left shoulder. — Suddenly, the entire scenery had changed. I now was at this almost Academy for lack of a better term. It was just this big fancy ass college looking type place. ( It resembled Hogwarts from Harry Potter as we had similar uniforms. And, apparently? If a student had a power theirs would be purple? No clue. ) Then? All of a sudden yet again. As usual with Mr. Five I had multiple different type of people barging into that very school with the sole intention of eliminating me. I subconsciously knew I was weak, and couldn’t constantly be using my power. That alone lead to me supposedly ending up getting pretty banged up during each encounter. After evading a similar assassination attempt on me, next thing I knew again, I was I believe, at an infirmary or nurse‘s office being assessed. I just remember feeling SO sore, my entire abdominal area was tender to the touch so much so, the lightest touch caused me extreme pain. ( I literally straight up just cried out at the top of my damn lungs, and writhed around. I could physically FEEL it all. ) Even being bandaged up was agonizing for me. I remember just being in tears, wishing it would just be over so I could stop being in so much pain. Eventually, it did.— I don’t know if I was given ANY pain medication? But, I’m assuming with the amount of pain I was obviously in, I most likely was. I soon found myself laying in a typical on campus type dorm room bed. I wasn’t sure who had helped me into my room, let alone bed. But, as they were leaving, wishing me a goodnight I remember just....turning toward them, tears once again just stinging my eyes and all I said? “𝑇𝘩𝑒𝑦’𝑟𝑒 𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑔𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑝 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑒....” Then, everything just went black and, I woke up shortly after. And, it seemed like each time I fell back asleep, the dream would continue on from where it left off. ( Only skipping like a small bit of the last one.) I would REALLY like to better understand repetitive dreams like this. I always end up feeling all weird, even this creepy, eerie feeling about it. Like, just how real it was IN the moment. I just....I keep thinking what IF these are far more than JUST simple dreams? More than just my brain playing random shit together. As if, I am being told something. Something important. I can’t help but want to know what that thing is. Although, my gut is telling me deep down, I already have an idea. And, if I am at ALL right, it will be surreal not only for me, but everyone involved. —