Digital art, Show two distinct versions of Kirby, one as the narrator's friend and the other as her current boyfriend, enjoying carnival food together while her confused thoughts are revealed through a nearby phone displaying a social media post of her with the other Kirby.

A tale of two Kirby’s?

Date: 12/25/2018


This was a weird dream. It was basically a dream about my ex boyfriend as two different people. One of them is my friend, and the other is still dating me. I was very confused because I was at a carnival eating corn dogs with one of the Kirby’s while looking at my Instagram photo of me with the other Kirby. I thought I was going crazy!!

AI generated interpretation The dream you describe involves different aspects of yourself and your past relationship with your ex-boyfriend. The two different Kirby's in the dream represent different traits or characteristics of your ex-boyfriend that you may have experienced in the past. The fact that you are eating corn dogs and looking at your Instagram photo with one Kirby suggests that you may still be attached to the memories of your past relationship. The confusion and sense of going crazy in the dream may also suggest that you are struggling to reconcile your conflicting feelings about the relationship and your ex-boyfriend. You may be trying to understand why you are reminiscing about the past or questioning whether you made the right decision in ending the relationship. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your unresolved emotions surrounding your past relationship with your ex-boyfriend. It may be helpful to reflect on your feelings, and work towards gaining closure and moving forward.