trying to dream/ def leopard guitar

Date: 12/22/2016

By dazednconfusd

Was in parents house w Joe and Jason, a golden retriever and a dog that behaved like Jake but looked like max. And kitty. We were trying to have a dream about a big green world/orb due to a huge explosion that took place that would provide a lucid dream. We all tried falling asleep on the living room floor - I remember looking around across the street and saw a big balloon with an astronaught projected onto it thinking it was some sort of key to seeing the dream. Joe had mentioned we had to "look around or look the right way". Jason and the golden retriever were trying to sleep next to me, max kept waking me up trying to lick my face. Prior to that I was teaching myself guitar. I had won a bass guitar from some famous def leopard guy that I kept forgetting the name of. I was w Tyler and then with Ryan and the bass guitar turned into an electric one with "mixer" buttons near the base of the neck. It seemed that I taught myself to roughly play a song I made up and I was quickly hooked and wanted to commit to learning.