Digital art, In a desperate attempt to escape from a mysterious realm they stumbled upon, a college student, accompanied by their friends, navigates through a series of enchanted rooms, racing against time to find a way back home while leaving a companion behind.

Realm through my Golden Valley House

Date: 7/8/2023

By lilacsilverbloom

I am in the basement of my college, where the orchestra room is. I go on the elevator and it crashes almost downstairs, and I take the stairs the rest of the way. I get my viola and try to get the heck out of there. But then as I go through a door I was transported to another realm that at first was just me. I needed to find somewhere to sleep. There were sliding glass doors that I go through and I am at my old house in Golden Valley. I go to the mudroom and take a nap on a yoga mat. I realize in a bit that Sophia followed me here, and I go outside to the deck. I look out into the backyard and I see that there are a lot of different rooms out there. I go to look. One with jewelry, one with food carts, etc. We go from room to room and she is trying to stop me from doing too much. I realize something is wrong. The doors from here to my normal world are going to close soon, and Sophia wants me to stay there. I try to find ways to get out, but then Brita comes through the door. I tell her that we need to try to get out of here, and I tell her to follow me. I tell Sophia to follow me too, and say that none of us belong here. I find the guy who made the spine and ribs in my welding class and he might be the one to lead us out of there. We make it back to the jewelry room where I started and the door is almost disappearing into the ground. It’s too small for me to go through. Then the welding guy props under it and holds it more open for me and Brita to go through. I have to leave the viola behind because we need to move fast. We go through the opening and get out to the other side and we are back in the basement of the college where I started and the elevator works again so we can get out. I realize Sophia never made it out and I was sad that she could be stuck there forever. There was no way to go back and save her. So we all go up the stairs.

AI generated interpretation Based on your dream "Realm through my Golden Valley House," it appears to reflect themes of exploration, escape, and the search for belonging. The dream begins in the basement of your college, specifically in the orchestra room, which suggests a connection to your past experiences and interests. The elevator crash may symbolize a disruption or setback in your journey. Taking the stairs instead indicates resilience and determination to continue on. Upon entering another realm, you find yourself alone initially, seeking a place to rest. This realm is represented by your childhood home in Golden Valley, which may symbolize feelings of comfort, security, and familiarity. The mudroom and yoga mat represent elements of relaxation and finding solace amidst the chaos. The introduction of Sophia suggests the presence of a companion or someone close to you. Moving to the deck represents a shift in perspective and revealing new possibilities. The various rooms in the backyard symbolize different aspects of your own desires, interests, and experiences. Sophia's attempts to stop you from doing too much could suggest a fear of overwhelm or taking on too many responsibilities in waking life. The impending closing of doors represents a sense of urgency and the need to make a choice. Sophia wanting you to stay in this realm may reflect the desire for stability or an escape from challenges in your waking life. Brita's appearance symbolizes a potential ally or support system. Your choice to leave Sophia behind indicates a willingness to embrace change and move forward, even if it means leaving behind something dear to you. Encountering the guy from your welding class who made the spine and ribs could represent a figure who possesses the knowledge or means to guide you out of this realm. This individual may symbolize your own abilities and skills to navigate challenging situations. Returning to the jewelry room, the door almost disappearing into the ground represents a closing opportunity or the narrowing of choices. The welding guy propping it open further signifies assistance or support in finding a way out. Leaving your viola behind emphasizes the need to prioritize speed and mobility over holding onto familiar comforts. Finally, returning to the basement of your college and the functioning elevator indicate the eventual resolution and return to the familiar. However, the sadness you feel for Sophia's potential entrapment suggests unresolved emotions or a lingering concern for the well-being of others. Overall, your dream may indicate a longing for escape, exploration, and the need to find a sense of belonging. It highlights the importance of making choices, embracing change, and seeking support from others. The symbols in this dream invite you to reflect on your current circumstances and consider how you can navigate challenging situations in your waking life.