Broken Teeth

Date: 7/19/2020

By sadinarus

I had a dream that I woke up. And I was in my old home. And for some reason there was a mirror in front of me and I see I have a chip in my bottom tooth. And then two other teeth fall out. I was nervous but very calm about it. I believe this happened because when I get anxious I grind my teeth at night and In my dream I came to terms that I’m so anxious that my teeth are falling out. And so I go downstairs to where my mom is out and I show her and she gasps but I say it’s fine! I’ll get fake teeth put in. And that was the end of that. So we had a fire place in our own home and it was really cold in the house. So I asked if I can use the fireplace and she says yes. There was a basket that had wood in it and I almost lit that wood on fire without realizing that wasn’t the fireplace but just the basket that holds the wood FOR the fire place. So I move over to the actual fire place and there’s wood already in there and a fire is already going. So I decide to add in a little more wood and make the fire a bit bigger. We instantly warm up but I notice that for some reason there are books behind the fire. So I reach in with a metal clasp trying to grab all the books without setting them on fire. I believe I grabbed two before I get up and turn around to see I guess my moms « girlfriend » this is new to me so I’m shocked. She’s coming out of my moms room with the comforter around her body. So I assumed they had sex the night before. And this woman is someone from my moms church. And I was shocked and she tried to explain herself but I don’t think I actually heard anything. And I believe that was the end of my Dream. THE END.