A Night at The Orchestra

Date: 10/20/2020

By Keraniwolf

I'm sad that I've forgotten the bulk of this dream. There was a mad scientist at some point, & a plan to turn the world into Minecraft or something. Forgetting the details of that is disappointing. What I do remember is a girl named Sparrow & her housemates. She had a terrible relationship with one housemate in particular, a girl named Raven. This was inconvenient for the girls & annoying for everyone around them, bc they had pretty much all the same interests & hobbies. Other housemates would inevitably end up trying to hang out with one girl, see things turn sour the moment she spotted her rival, & settle in for an annoying time. One night, both girls got tickets to a jazz orchestra they both really admired & loved. Sparrow came bundled up in a big jacket & warm scarf, clutching her ticket to her chest. She also had a beanie that covered most of her silky brownish-blonde hair except the bit that swept down to touch her shoulders. She walked with a lightness in her step. Raven came in a heavy long-sleeved shirt with warm leggings under her denim shorts that went all the way down into the ankles of the roller skates she'd used to get to the concert hall. She also had suspenders holding up the shorts, & tastefully arranged beads in her braided hair. They arrived within a few minutes of each other, both thinking "I'll bet she's gonna come here, too, & ruin my whole evening." They huffed when they saw each other, scowling & crossing their arms, & everyone else filing into the concert hall internally groaned bc it was another of THOSE situations. The kind where they act like they hate each other for months, only to find out they were both just being awkward about being in love with each other. It's always annoying to the jazz orchestra regulars when they get caught in the middle of that. When they walk in, they make an agreement to sit in different places. Sparrow says "Fine, just let me sit on the left side so the orchestra's on my right & I can actually hear it!" Like me irl, Sparrow was deaf in her left ear & needed to place herself accordingly. Raven agreed, & they went to their seats. When Sparrow sat down, everyone in her section was holding their breath to see where Raven would go. Sparrow & her fellow orchestra fans chanted in their heads "Please don't sit near here, please don't sit near here" & crossed their fingers for a peaceful evening. When Raven inevitably sat two rows in front of them & slightly to the right, they all collectively groaned. The regular attendees kept this complaint silent in their heads, but Sparrow naturally made an audible noise of distaste. The person sitting behind & to the right of Sparrow got her attention & lightly grabbed her shoulder. "We're all trying to enjoy the orchestra here, so please. Try not to make that noise every time you see Wilma or Raven or whatever her name is. Please." It came off as a polite, kind request in the dream but seems more rude when written down, somehow. After apologizing for the noise & agreeing to control herself -- she wanted to enjoy the orchestra, too, after all, Sparrow couldn't help her curiosity, "How did you know her name was Raven?" The man squeezed her shoulder lightly & said "Work with a jazz orchestra like ours long enough, & you start to get the feel for these things." "Fair enough," Sparrow admitted with a shrug. She looked at Raven again & held in a sigh as the curtains rose for the orchestra performance to begin. That's all I remember, unfortunately. No cool sci-fi stories, just a pair of slightly annoying girls at an orchestra. Until next I wander.