Date: 5/5/2018
By ThatKitKat
I'm in my student house chilling in my room. I start chatting to a guy I matched with on Tinder and he seems pretty cool. He says "Hey why don't you come over?" (just to chill I think) and I say "Yeah where do you live?" He says 11 Miskin and I freak out saying I'm 12 Miskin St. He doesn't believe me so he tells me to whistle out my window so I do. My window onlooks a balcony so I step onto it and see it joins to the next house. His whole wall is missing and I see him in his room, lounging on his bed. He's like "no wayyyy" I'm like "no wayyyy" And then we chill before he says that if he stays in my room he can rent his out and split the money I say that's a great idea and he says been as we're living together we may as well have sex and be a couple. That doesn't phase me so I straddle him like yes I guess this is what's happening. I kiss him and we get into foreplay but it doesn't go past PG13
AI generated interpretation This dream provides insight into your subconscious thoughts and feelings about relationships, intimacy, boundaries, and connections with others. The dream scenario of meeting a Tinder date who turns out to be your neighbor suggests a blending of the familiar and the new, representing a mix of comfort and excitement in forming new connections. Your initial surprise at realizing your proximity to this person reflects a sudden realization of closeness and potential intimacy that you were not expecting. This could indicate a desire for connection and companionship, as well as a willingness to explore new relationships even if they appear unexpectedly close to home. The interaction with the Tinder date in the dream, where you both joke about the proximity of your living situations and then quickly transition into discussing sharing living spaces and potentially becoming a couple, may symbolize a desire for a deeper connection with someone that goes beyond surface level interactions. The dream hints at a readiness to build a more meaningful relationship and to explore the idea of sharing your life with someone. The fact that the dream stops at a PG13 level of intimacy could suggest a sense of hesitation or uncertainty about fully embracing the idea of romantic involvement with this person. It may reflect a cautious approach to relationships, wanting to take things slow and not rush into anything too quickly. Overall, this dream could be highlighting your inner desires for connection, intimacy, and partnership, as well as indicating a willingness to explore new relationships and share your life with someone who you feel a strong connection with, even if they are unexpectedly close to you in various ways.