Beyong Zombies

Date: 2/12/2017

By DeadDollKitty

The first bits are hazy. The whole dream seems to have a dark glow about it, with bits of orange. The landscape is hard packed desert, brown/orange soil, no loose sand. I was in a huge Victorian house with these women in fancy dress. The house though was run down, dark and dusty, seemed like it had been ravaged by a fire. The women seemed frail and thin with deep hollow eyes. I leaned too far back through a front doorway which set off an alarm and alerted a zombie horde to our location. The women ushered myself and a lot of other people out the door while screeching at us evil things. I ran into a Home Depot/ Lowes like department store with a boy and a girl, with zombies hot on our trail. we tried shutting the door but a few got in. These things were vicious, and smart. I remember trying to pile food and cans up to slow them down, to no avail. They didnt have to be bit to change, I dont remember how they changed but so many people so fast were turning. I looked at woman with medium length brown shaggy hair who had just succumbed, her entire mouth covered in blood and her eyes were black, deep shadows around the sockets with a tinge of red in the center. She hunched over, made claws with her hands and screamed a sound I've never heard before at me. The normal slicing their throats was not working and more were coming in and they were climbing shelves and leaping into the air. They started getting on laptops? To alert other zombies that the usual methods weren't working. I ran into a school supply section and grabbed these long blades. (Imagine two long, thin, curved pieces of wood connected at one end so they can open and close easily with one side having a huge sharp blade all the way down and the other side metal tooth like picks). I threw a few to other people and started sawing heads off zombies. This seemed to do the trick but it took forever and there was blood spraying everywhere and you had to get the head completely off. At one point I had to saw off Bill Murrays head. More and more of these (Advents, they called themselves) were pouring in. We ran through a huge door to the outside and slammed it close. There was a tall roof shielding us from the sky but all the walls were open and we had no idea what to do from there.