Date: 11/23/2016
By CheesyIceCream
I was in Walmart for some reason... It was DEFINETELY Walmart, like there was the save money live better sign and the logo. There was bright florescent lights above, and I was like; wait.. I'm not old enough to drive to a Walmart late at night... I must be dreaming.. I heard that if you close an eye in the dream, it opens an eye in real life, so I did, and I saw the edge of my bunk bed, so I was like yup I'm dreaming. So I proceeded to just chill out in the Walmart. Idk why I didn't fly or do something cool. There was a really pretty girl at the checkout and I talked to her and asked her if she wanted to kiss me and we almost did but then I opened my real life eye and I was in a Walmart (at least I thought it was my real life eye) so I was like CRAP IM NOT DREAMING and I just kept on walking down the aisles hoping that nobody noticed me. Spoiler alert, I WASNT really in a Walmart.